Roasting Our Blend

Even the best beans can't be used to make the best tasting coffee every time. The roasting process is crucial to giving coffee its familiar taste. Furthermore, it's impossible to create the perfect coffee without the variety of roasts and beans made possible through a blend.

Without careful consideration into the roasting process, coffee would never taste right. A drink made from coffee beans that have not been roasted would taste nothing like coffee. It is not until the beans have been roasted that coffee gains its distinctive flavor. But different beans have different quirks, such as acidity, and require different roasting conditions. To facilitate roasting while keeping this in mind, we have designated five levels of roasting: Light, American, Medium, Dark, and French. As beans progress up the five levels of roasting, the caffeine content and acidity of the drink decreases but the bitterness and flavor of the drink increases. If beans are roasted too much, they become unusable.

The roasting process has a large number of extremely important steps to observe. Roasting itself is very simple: it takes no longer than twenty minutes. The complicated part of this process comes afterward: it is absolutely crucial that the beans are allowed to cool properly. The beans must be removed immediately from the roasting machine and placed in a single layer on a cooling screen and kept constantly in motion until they have cooled to room temperature. Then they must be allowed to sit for twelve hours in room temperature conditions before they can be packed. Without this crucial step, coffee made from the beans may cause drinkers to become sick.

After beans have been roasted, there is still one vital step that must be taken. Different varieties of beans must be blended together. It's only the process of blending that allows the advantages of various beans and roasts to be combined into a balanced coffee drink while also canceling out the downsides.